Лечение тромбоцитопении до, во время и после инвазивных вмешательств при циррозе печени: попасть в «окно безопасности»

Julien Bissonnette1, Dominique Valla1,2, Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou1,3,*

DHU Unity, Pole des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif, Service d’Hepatologie, Centre de Reference des Maladies Vasculaires du Foie, Hopital Beaujon, AP-HP, Clichy, France; Inserm U1149, Centre de Recherche sur l’Inflammation (CRI), Universite Paris Diderot-Paris 7, Paris, France; Inserm U970, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center – PARCC, Universite Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cite, UMR-S970, Paris, France

* Автор, ответственный за переписку.

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Коррекция гипонатриемии при циррозе — это не просто повысить уровень!

Andres Cardenas1,*, Oliviero Riggio2

GI Unit, Institut Clinic de Malalties Digestives i Metaboliques, Hospital Clinic, and University of Barcelona, Spain; GI and Liver Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy.

* Автор, ответственный за переписку.

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Двухлетние результаты лечения хронического гепатита B бесифовиром по сравнению с энтекавиром: данные многоцентрового исследования

Man-Fung Yuen1,#, Sang Hoon Ahn2,#, Kwan Sik Lee2, Soon Ho Um3, Mong Cho4, Seung Kew Yoon5, Jin-Woo Lee6, Neung Hwa Park7, Young-Oh Kweon8, Joo Hyun Sohn9, Jiyoon Lee10, Jeong-Ae Kim10, Ching-Lung Lai1,*, Kwang-Hyub Han2,*

Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Department of Internal Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Yangsan, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, Inha University College of Medicine, Incheon, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea; Department of Internal Medicine, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 10 LG Life Sciences, Ltd., Seoul, Republic of Korea

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